What You Need To Commence Your National Police Clearance Check
Step 1
Your name and address details will be pre-populated based on your Uber profile. Check to ensure your details are correct and complete any missing information.
Step 2
You will need to provide 5+ years of address history. For any addresses outside of Australia, complete the details as accurately as you can.
Step 3
You will need to provide all other names you have previously been known by. You must include any names you have used as a result of marriage or changes to your legal first name, middle name or last name.
Step 4
Commonly available documents that prove your identity will be required. You will be asked to take photos and/or upload previous images of your documents. See the quick reference guide on Proof of Identity for more information.
Step 5
Obtaining a nationally co-ordinated criminal history check (police check) is a fully online process using your smartphone, tablet or webcam. You won’t need to supply printed documents, nor print or scan anything.
What happens next?
You will receive a confirmation email and a copy of your results when your police check has been processed. Your police check result will be sent directly to Uber.
Documents That May Be Used As Proof Of Identity
Australian Passport.
Australian Visa.
Australian Birth Certificate.
Australian Driver Licence.
Australian Marriage Certificate.
Overseas Passport.
Australian Photo ID Card.
Medicare Card.
Credit Card/Bank Card (May be two bank cards, not necessarily an Australian bank but the name must be the same on both cards).
Australian Student ID Card.
Australian Electoral Commission Enrolment.
Foreign Government Issued Documents (the name on all documents must be the same).
Commence Your National Police Check for Uber Eats or Uber Rides Today
Additional Checks That May Be Required By Uber
Uber may ask you to provide further checks, such as a Right To Work check or a Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) check.
Uber Eats New Zealand
If you are applying to become an Uber Eats driver in New Zealand, use the button below to commence your background checks.