With every company in Australia legally required to carry out Right to Work checks or risk significant fines, getting this crucial step in the recruitment and onboarding process right is essential.
It's all too easy for someone to obtain forged visa and identity documents, enabling them to present a false identity when applying for work.
With 1 in 5 individuals experiencing an identity crime in the past 12 months, this is becoming a growing concern for HR teams and hiring managers.
Right To Work Checks for Businesses
NCC helps thousands of clients increase hiring efficiencies and optimise the candidate experience by using our secure, market-leading technology in the form of an Application Programming Interface (API) or a Co-Branded Dashboard Business System.
Using advanced technology, we offer fast, secure, and efficient processing of all Right To Work checks. Companies can also include additional national police checks and VEVO checks, with all results delivered directly to your business and invoiced according to your accounting practices.
Enquire About a Co-branded Dashboard Business System or API Integration Today

The Right To Work check in Australia is available to:
Australian citizens
New Zealand citizens
Australian permanent residents
Foreign nationals who hold a valid work visa
The Australian Department of Home Affairs heavily enforces these regulations and issues substantial fines to individuals and companies who do not comply. These penalties may also apply to companies who refer someone, such as recruitment agencies.
Right To Work checks made by registered Australian companies reference the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) system to show the status of visas, including if they have expired or been cancelled. They may also show conditions such as the number of hours permitted to work, and if the visa holder is only permitted to work for a specified employer.
Right To Work checks also can be processed as stand-alone checks.
Proceed with the check that best suits your needs: